
Southwest Chicagoland Bitcoiners was started in September 2023 by Jason Richmond and Andrew Podio with the purpose of educating, connecting, and growing a community of educated and like-minded Bitcoiners. There has been an active bitcoin community in Chicago for many years but that hasn’t filtered out to the suburbs yet. This group was created to build a community locally.

Jason Richmond

Over the last few years, I have embarked on a journey of learning about all things crypto. It started with mining a little bitcoin in 2018. During the 2020 pandemic I revisited my previous mining accounts and found that they had grown substantially. As I learned more about crypto, I also learn more about economics and why a better monetary system is critical. Just like the Internet boom, the expansion of crypto currency will be an historic event that will affect our future daily lives in ways we can only imagine. It is my goal to blaze a trail for others to follow.

Andrew Podio

Thrill seeker, knowledge junkie, uniquely weird, are just a few words to describe me. I’ve had my life on cruise control for far too long, that is until I ran into the magical internet money, bitcoin. My journey started at the end of 2017. During 2018 -2020 is when everything clicked for me, and I was experimenting with bitcoin mining, and the crypto ecosystem. I’ve learned about economics exponentially more from intelligent minds in the crypto space, than I have my entire life. There are many mistakes I have made on this journey, but I’m addicted to learning as much as I possibly can and pass it down to anyone willing to listen. 
